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SyncTimes Webinar Recap: Audience Q&A

We held an educational webinar this week! In case you missed it, let’s recap some of the Q&A's.

SPRINGVILLE, Utah, May 15, 2024 - We held an educational webinar this week about the SyncTimes system followed by an audience Q&A. In case you missed it, let’s recap a couple audience questions and our answers!

Audience Question:

“Do you only offer floor plan optimization before a clinic is built since it’s hard to revise after a build is complete?”


We’ve partnered with Boulder Associates, a firm centered on designing healthcare spaces. We work with their science and research team to optimize space-staffing and operation interactions within an existing facility. For completed facilities, we deploy a temporary setup of the SyncTimes system to assess the current state and guide data-driven decision making. This allows Boulder Associates and SyncTimes to:

  • Capture data and identify efficiencies in existing setups
  • Assess what works and what doesn’t in the space
  • Make recommendations to enable leaders to optimize spaces using SyncTime insights

Additionally, Boulder Associates can engage with clinical leaders to provide feedback on floor plan utilization and further enhance the space's effectiveness.

Audience Question:

“How do staff react to the change of implementing SyncTimes in their facility?”


SyncTimes employs a tried and true onboarding framework to facilitate a smooth transition for all staff members. We start by enlisting the right people, including an internal champion to optimize workflows and make customizations to fit your needs - all of which improves the clinical environment. Staff adoption becomes easy with this system! While there may be individuals who are resistant to change, our hands on Client Success team is always ready to support team members one-on-one. 

SyncTimes also gives effective training to every staff member. During Go-Live, a Client Success executive is on site for 2 days, providing team training and one-on-one training to each staff member. We’ve found staff end their training feeling confident in their knowledge of operating the SyncTimes system, and are confident it’s going to help them!


SyncTimes’ solutions help healthcare organizations improve communication, enhance exam room utilization, and increase the patient, provider, and staff experience. They specialize in community health centers, critical access hospitals, and ambulatory surgical centers and integrate with your EHR. KLAS Research identified SyncTimes as a Top 20 Emerging Solution in the healthcare space: “SyncTimes provides a workflow and communications solution for clinics that improves patient intake and processing efficiency, which drives higher levels of patient satisfaction. RTLS technology is used to assess the time patients are waiting for service and can also be used to help optimize the use of exam rooms and medical equipment in the facility. Communication functions identify patient service tasks pending for completion and allow providers to contact support staff as needed.”