Integrated Behavioral Health

Integrated behavioral health provides immense value to the patient. It also comes with a lot of moving pieces that can be difficult to manage. Communication within an EMR is notoriously difficult, and locating integrated team members can be near impossible. We are here to help your care teams provide an integrated patient-centered experience without the chaotic handoffs that often accompany these workflows.

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Simple request for integrated behavioral health consult

When a behavioral health consult is needed, medical staff make this request with a single click on the tablet in the exam room.

A hallway picture showing SyncTimes tablets stalled next to exam room doors

Automatic notification of behavioral health team

Integrated behavioral health providers receive a notification through text, phone call, or desktop notification. They can see which provider the patient is visiting with, and work with that provider to have a warm handoff to the patient.

Real-time locating of behavioral health team

The behavioral health provider is automatically logged in the room through SyncTimes real-time locating, allowing staff to see which rooms are being used by behavioral health, and recording integrated behavioral health visits to the SyncTimes analytics database.

We're ready to help your clinic!

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A screenshot of the SyncTimes tablet