Workflow Analytics

Traditionally, the exam room has been a black box for visibility. SyncTimes allows you to see how patients spend their time in the exam room, how heavily utilized your resources are, and much more.

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Cutting-edge analytics

More than door-to-door cycle times

Most EHRs give a cycle time, but leave leadership wondering how that time is spent. SyncTimes lets you see how patients spend their time and where the roadblocks are to improved flow. Then, it allows you to benchmark and improve in custom key performance indicators.

Better informed scheduling

Schedule templates have historically been made designed on educated guesses. SyncTimes allows operations to know how long visits of different types really take. They can easily see where providers are busiest, allowing for improved scheduling.

Exam room & other resource utilization

Utilization of exam rooms, staff, and equipment is easily visualized in SyncTimes analytics through automated real-time locating and clinical workflows.

Patient feedback correlated to wait times

SyncTimes gives your team the ability to see how wait times correlate with patient feedback provided at the point of care.

A screenshot of the SyncTimes tablet

We're ready to help your clinic!

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