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Adelante Healthcare

Integrated Care Team Optimization

When Adelante Healthcare partnered with SyncTimes they were preparing to implement the Quadruple AIM model. Quadruple Aim focuses on improving the patient care experience, improving the health of a population, reducing per capita health care costs and improving the patient experience. The leadership team charged SyncTimes to support the process of optimizing the use of the integrated teams during patient visits using SyncTimes’ communication technology and reporting capabilities.

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Initial measures indicated that ~10% of patients visited at least one member of the integrated team. After the SyncTimes launch in May, the number of patients who saw at least one integrated team member increased to 40%+ and has held steady at that rate.

How Did They Do It?

Adelante was able to achieve these results by

  1. Efficiently communicating patient needs to care team members using SyncTimes tablets.  
  1. Analyzing clinic workflows and identifying opportunities to insert integrated team visits during times when patients were typically waiting alone in exam rooms.
  1. Reinvesting in the morning team huddle routine where they identified patients who would benefit from integrated care team visits.  

Patient Return on Investment

Because of Adelante’s proactive approach to enhance the patient experience, patients:  

  • Received comprehensive care in a single visit.
  • Did not need to take time from work or find babysitters to attend follow up appointments.  

Adelante’s Return on Investment

The return on investment for Adelante includes:

  • Higher likelihood of patient retention.
  • ~1,058 additional billable encounters

An estimated $122k in increased revenue.

"SyncTimes is a great tool to help manage patient flow and improve teamwork." - Diana Ibarra, Director of Quality
"Our staff and providers immediately reported positive feedback on the enhanced communication and are seeing benefits of better data and more efficient workflow. We can clearly see areas of opportunities within our patient cycle times to deploy value added revenue producing services without further extending our patient's or provider's valuable time." - Bill Rosenfeld, LPC Chief Operations Officer